Wednesday, August 08, 2007

One V or Another

I'm due to report to my new job at 8 Friday morning, for sales training (I'm in marketing myself).

Until then, I have about 24 hours to relax, unpack, and get over the jetlag.

This has been a wonderful trip, my first solo journey to Europe. People typically react in two ways when they hear that I travel alone - 1. Wow you're brave, or 2. Wouldn't you rather travel with friends?

I'm not brave. I don't consider traveling alone "brave". Well, it depends on where you're going. South America? Yes. Western Europe? No.

The second comment contains the hidden implication of "don't you have any friends?". Not many, but sure, I do. And I enjoy traveling with them as much as flying solo. In fact, this trip, my first journey to Europe on my own (though I met up with friends in Spain for the wedding), was a better experience than my last two trips there with friends.

Why? No waiting around for each other. No need to negotiate and compromise on agendas. No flared tempers because of stress. I was completely selfish and did exactly what I wanted, WHEN I wanted. Some planning, and a lot of doing it on a whim. It was really liberating and fun.

My next trip, however, I'd do something completely different. Vietnam (where the $ would be considered a strong currency), OR Vienna, and with a friend or two. :)
Sent Wirelessly from My CrackBerry.

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