Friday, July 25, 2008

Composite Image

Question: Hey Kristen! Random question, I found your blog because you had jaw surgery. I was wondering did your surgeon give you a composite image before surgery? I found someone who doesn't want to do a composite image, and I'm wondering how commonly people get them, and if you think I should ask for one, or if I don't need one.

Answer: Yes, I did ask for a composite image (before/after profiles) prior to even getting the braces. My surgeon and orthodontist worked on the projection together. They provided two computer sketches that outlined how I would probably look after the surgery. In retrospect, it gave me a good ballpark idea, but the final results, if I say so myself, were even better.

I don't know if patients normally ask for a composite image. But my surgeon and ortho didn't seem surprised that I wanted one. Quite frankly, I'd have reservations about any doctor who wouldn't provide an estimate, and I would definitely ask him/her why. Another way to ensure you pick the right doctor? Ask to see the before/after photos of previous patients. They should have some on record who have consented to share those photos. My 2 cents.

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