Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Did you make a New Year's resolution?
I didn't.  Haven't in a long time.  But I want to, even at the risk of failing flat on my face.  So here it goes:
  1. Be more patient.
  2. Take a photography class. 
  3. Quit sugar.

Now, #2 and 3 are easy to measure.  Either I did it or I didn't.  But #1?  How can I keep track of that?


1 comment:

DianeDiane said...


It was happenstance that I encountered your blog, but I am so glad I did. I have been waiting to have have jaw surgery for 6 years now. The first time I moved inbetween wearing my braces and had to start all over. The second time insurance (Tricare) keeps denying my claim with the good old cosmetic excuse. But now they have referred me to the national naval medical academy and it looks like I am going to have my surgery finally this summer 09. I have so many questions and concerns. Also, I have never really posted my photos on a blog or anything because I am so aware and conscious of my appearance in a negative way because of my misaligned jaws that I don't even want to go there lol! I just feel like everything you have said resignated in some of my experiences.

I have so many questions but here are just a few.

How long was your recovery?
You look amazing! but, were people amazed by the change after the swelling had gone done? I kind of want a total transformation because my underbite is very apparent; will the change be totally different? (I'll send you photos).
What was the most difficult part of recovery?
My upper jaw is really flat and concave, but they haven't brought up the fact that I need it shortened and advanced a little, should I insist for the best results? I am also, having my jaw set back.

Was there any permanent numbness upper or lower? Any paralysis?

Thanks Kristen, I know your busy but I look forward to having you as a potential penpal and surgery buddy!

I tried to e-mail you but my computer won't display your e-mail so I hope this is okay.

Good luck on your resolutions!

Kindest Regards
