Monday, March 05, 2007

Sam's Story - Scanned

My friend Li scanned this Chinese newspaper article on jaw surgery and sent it to me in PDF. For those of you who can read Chinese - enjoy.

For the rest of you - yep, you can probably figure it out from the photos. It's a story about a fresh college graduate named Sam, who had a severe underbite and corrected it through jaw surgery. The article explains in detail what the procedure involves. In short - yet another account of what the surgery's all about. Pretty interesting stuff. Thanks for the info, Li! ;)


Anonymous said...

Great article, thanks. I often visit your blog and I am from Malaysia, Chinese of course.... I am now 16 weeks post-op from BSSO setback. I can see that you are recovery well, that's good!

Mrs. Shanton said...

Guess the adage holds true across all cultures: A picture is worth a thousand words. (Probably even more than that, if you can't understand the words....)